Thursday, July 25, 2013

Bump in the road ...

Welllll, we hit a bump yesterday. I woke up not feeling very well and continued getting worse all day. Don't want to get into details, but by afternoon there was not much in me anymore. By late afternoon I was feeling very faint and had numbness in both hands and legs. Needless to say, we were both a bit panicky.

Kent contacted the owner/manager of the place we are staying and we finally made a group decision to head to the hospital. Thankfully she took us and did all of the interpreting. They did a bunch of tests and started pumping me full of fluids. After a few hours I was feeling better and they sent me home around midnight with some meds. (Just a side note - total cost of ER, blood tests, IV fluids, etc = $0)

Still not sure what happened ... food poisoning? Flu? Something else? Kent thinks that maybe I had an allergic reaction to the plug-in bug killers they had in our apartment, which I guess is possible. He read the warning label, which said "do not use around children or people with low immune systems." (And anybody who knows me very well, knows that I fit that description - maybe BOTH of those!)

All we know is that the doctor said I was very dehydrated, which was causing the numbness. And my kids know I'm an easy fainter.

Feeling better today, although not great. Moving pretty slowly. Obviously our sightseeing plans have been put on hold for a few days. I'm just hoping I'm well enough to attend the opera at the Verona Arena tomorrow night. Fingers crossed!

Sorry for the downer post ... Hopefully more smiles and pretty photos coming soon!


Location:Verona area